Advantages of Using Gypsum as a Soil Amendment for Gardening and Farming

Farmers have been using gypsum for 250 years, and it is one of the oldest types of fertilizers that are used as soil amendment. The physical and chemical properties of the soil can be improved with the help of Agricultural gypsum. Gypsum contains a balanced amount of calcium and sulfur which helps in enhancing the growth of a plant as well as helps in conditioning the soil. In recent years gypsum has gained much attention because of some newly known information and facts researched by the experts.

Benefits of using Gypsum

  • It often happens that due to a blend of excess water, a high amount of sodium, and swelling clay, water logging problem takes place. This is when gypsum comes for a rescue. Applying gypsum to soil improves water infiltration by enabling water to freely move into the soil thus letting the crop to grow well.
  • Soil scientists say that soil isn’t being able to provide plants with enough sulfur and which is why plants are lacking sulfur. Agricultural gypsum is an amazing source of sulfur that provides plants with necessary nutrients.
  • Plants also need calcium to absorb other nutrients. Insufficient amount of calcium can fail the uptake system. And since gypsum is calcium sulfur, one can make use of gypsum in plants which will provide a sufficient amount of calcium and which in turn will help in stimulating the growth of roots.
  • One severe problem plants face is related to dust. Dust erosion can be decreased by using gypsum. It also helps in decreasing soil’s water erosion.
  • Gypsum is also a fantastic source of oxygen for various plants.
  • Gypsum helps in increasing crop yields. It can be increased by 10 percent to as well as 50 percent.
  • Another important benefit of gypsum is its ability to reduce aluminum toxicity. In simple words, aluminum toxicity is basically soil acidity. Gypsum can act even better than lime when it comes to improving the acidic soils.

Apart from the advantages mentioned above, Gypsum has numerous other farming benefits – it helps in efficient water use improvement, gypsum removes excess boron from sodic soil, and it also helps in reclaiming the same.