Home Cleaning Projects to Tackle This Spring

Spring is the best time of year to clean the house and yard to get ready for the warm summer months ahead. This is also a good time to purge all the stuff you accumulated over the winter. You can do some deep cleaning in the process. Here are a few projects you might want to consider.

Clean Out Storage Areas

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Take a good look at what you have in storage, whether that is your attic, basement, garage, or the shed in your yard. Anything that you really don’t use anymore can be gotten rid of, especially if it is broken. Old lawn mowers and rusty garden tools come to mind. If your things still work, consider having a yard sale. Otherwise, call your refuse company and ask for them to haul away the big stuff.

Spruce Up Your Lawn and Gardens

It is that time of year to feed the lawn, weed the gardens, and plant some flowers that will weather the hot summer. You might want to aerate your lawn to give the grass roots more room to grow. You can get help with that from a professional like Lawn Maintenance Master. Make sure to put some mulch down to cover the exposed garden soil and to keep weeds at bay. Have your irrigation system serviced if you haven’t already done that.

Go Through Closets and Drawers

Remove everything from your closets and drawers. Wipe down drawers and shelves and vacuum closet floors and baseboards. Go through your belongings as you put them back. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used or worn an item in the last 12 months it is likely that you never will. Donate or sell online anything that is in good condition. The rest can be tossed.

Give Your Appliances a Thorough Cleaning

You should only have to deep clean appliances once or twice a year. Really get in there and clean the residue and grease inside your oven, microwave, range hood, and dishwasher. White vinegar and baking soda will help remove grime and any mold that might be lurking. Empty out the fridge of expired or forgotten food and wipe the inside down with distilled vinegar and water. Clean you washing machine with a drum cleaning agent that you can pick up at any grocery store. Clean the lint from the dryer vent and hose.

Scrub Tile Floor Grout and Reseal

The grout in tile floors can get stained and discolored. Every year you might need to really scrub the grout clean with a bleach, soap, and water solution, or an all natural cleaner. After the floor dries completely you can seal the grout to protect it if the joints are wide enough. This takes a little work because you need to use a thin paint brush to apply the sealer.

Clean Windows

After the winter storms are over your windows make look a little cloudy. You can clean the glass inside with a white vinegar and water solution or a common commercial glass cleaner. The outside can be hosed off and dried with soft cloths. This will brighten up your interiors.

Spring cleaning and purging can feel really rewarding. Bringing your home and yard back to life with a thorough cleaning once or twice a year breathes new life into the environment. Motivate yourself by making a list of the areas you want to tackle and then make a plan. Here is a complete list of spring cleaning projects that you can use as a guideline.