Summer influences today’s top landscaping trends. The more time people spend outdoors, the more they’re exposed to the beautiful outdoor environment they had created for themselves by a professional landscaper. Working with industry experts such as yourself, they’re able to tap into a visual aesthetic that pleases the eye and satisfies a personal need such as increasing privacy on their property.
The Importance of Trends and How They Affect Your Customers
Knowing which trends are sought-after helps you suggest them to your customers while summer landscaping ideas are relevant. It simplifies the planning process because what is being done to landscape yards at the moment has recently been learned by you. You’re able to complete the customer’s request in a timely manner because of your familiarity with the trend and experience implementing it into other yards throughout the community.
Why the Top Landscaping Trends Remain Popular
To better relay the concepts to the people who hire landscaping services, it’s important to know why they matter. Each trend listed here has a long list of advantages. Mentioning a few to your customers helps them decide which they want to explore this season.
Some landscaping trends you’ll see prevalent this summer include:
Multipurpose Design Elements
Each trellis and retaining wall serves more than one purpose. For example, when grown over with vegetation, an architectural structure becomes more than just a food-producing garden. It’s also a source of privacy by preventing passers-by from seeing into the space.
Low-Key and Automated Maintenance
Your customers are busy people who sometimes forget to care for their lawn. They prefer a stress-free landscaping experience that allows them to pre-program irrigation systems, reduce or eliminate weed growth, and automatically mow their lawns without the use of manpower. Along with artificial (fake) grass installation then the implementation of new technology with traditional lawncare techniques remains the hottest trend of the season because of the time it saves your customers.
Ranging from blush tones to the brightest shades of pink, customers request the planting of vibrant flowers throughout their yards. Think roses, hibiscus, petunias, and zinnias. Play with color in different areas of the property to come up with combinations that have never been seen before.
The most popular summer landscaping trends have distinct curb appeal. They improve the appearance of a property and the value of a residence immediately. Being in the landscaping business allows you to offer the hottest summer trends and provide your company with a constant stream of business in future months. Your customers agree that there is nothing more attractive than a beautifully landscaped modern yard.