The New Way of Home Improvement: Impact Windows

Hurricanes, straight-line winds, tornados are a nuisance when it comes to the wreckage that occurs with every event like this. It can be difficult having the perfect home with the perfect windows that can withstand the wrath of extremely strong winds.

There’s no doubt about the aftermath that the house bears after a bad tornado or hurricane. You might be wondering about solutions to have beautiful French windows without any compromise to the aesthetic of your home. We have a simple solution that can change your life drastically!

Impact windows are a combination of impact-resistant glass that has a unique silicone blend lamination or finish, and heavy-duty window frames. These kinds of windows are specially crafted for regions that incur a large amount of wind-borne damage. The glass on the window might crack if the calamity is extreme or during a break-in. But the special lamination prevents the glass from shattering and keeps the window as intact as possible.

Why are Impact windows important?

If you live in a place where hurricanes and tornadoes are common occurrences, there are two ways your home can be damaged.

  • Impact fractures: This means that windows or doors of your home are not in the best shape. Doors and windows incur the most amount of impact. If there is an issue with one or both of them, there is a fracture in the impact bearing areas of your home. If either have an issue already, the wind can shatter the glass and do damages inside your home.
  • Wind-borne debris: Strong winds in a hurricane or tornado tend to pick up a lot of things with them. Tree branches, poles, sharp objects, etc are some examples of what a tornado might carry. If you don’t have impact windows, the debris can rip through the glass and do more damage than you could imagine. They strike with great force since the winds are strong.

So, if you want to protect your family and your homes, impact-resistant doors and windows are very necessary. They are the only way to avoid huge loss and damage during calamities.

Important features of Impact Windows:

Replacing your normal windows with something that promises great protection to your home is significant thing. When you choose impact windows, look for windows that have a high-performance rating. Check if the glass has an interlayer (A layer of protection between two sheets of glass). Go for insulated, silicone lamination and heat-reductive mechanisms.

Another great reason to replace your windows with impact windows is that it protects artwork and drapery from fading away due to long hours of exposure to the sun.

For window replacement services, hurricane windows or impact windows, call The Window Shoppe.

Don’t think twice about replacing your windows. The features and advantages of replacing outweigh having normal glass windows.