The choice of wood type, in addition to guaranteeing the final aspect and quality of the project, also interferes with the durability of the fence. To choose the right fencing for your home, we recommend hiring fencing contractors in Guildford or if you are based in Yorkshire, Care Fencing in Leeds are the best.
There are woods that go more than 20 years without needing any repairs, while there are other types that do not last even five years and the fence has to be completely redone.
To ensure a resistant fence, prioritize treated wood, as they resist the action of fungi, insects, and water.
Another benefit of using treated wood is that it is part of an ecologically correct process, as it comes from renewable reforestation and replaces the use of native trees.
Eucalyptus wood fence:
Treated eucalyptus fences are generally more rustic in style, due to their plump shape. They are widely used in land delimitation fences and containment of large animals.
When treated, it becomes a wood very resistant to the sun, rain, and humidity, including the attack of fungi and insects.
Pinewood fence:
Pine is a very common wood in the USA. However, it has been gaining popularity in other countries due to its lighter weight and lower value.
Sold in boards, rafters, beams, and planks, the pin is ideal for decorating and landscaping the house, whether in fences or decks.
Demolition wooden fence:
Another ecologically correct and very sustainable way to make your fence is using demolition wood. This wood, as its name implies, comes from the demolition of old works, mainly railway lines.
The pink wooden is the most common since in the past they prioritized the durability and strength of wood, including environmental issues that were not yet associated with the choice of material at this time.
Regardless of the style of decoration of your home, place, or place that you want to use the wooden fence, know that the various options that this structure offers, allow you to find an ideal model that exclusively meets your aesthetic and functional needs.
For this, just abuse your creativity and be inspired by these models, which will certainly make the difference in your corner, bringing much more beauty and personality. We recommend taking help from fencing contractors in Guildford to choose the right fencing for your home or office.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with the leading fencing contractors in Guildford for further help to complete the task properly and at the best prices.